

This procedure outlines the rules and requirements for members of the public wishing to speak at a regular Board meeting or at a public hearing.    

The 2024欧洲杯正规买球 shall encourage and accommodate public participation in regular Board meetings. The Board will hear from the public in the Public Testimony section of each regular Board meeting except in emergency situations. A maximum of twenty speakers will be heard; each speaker can speak for not more than two minutes. However, in the event that thirty five (35) or more public testimony requests are received prior to the scheduled start time of the Board meeting, 只在该次会议上再提供5次发言机会, 总共25位发言人.

Regular Board meeting agendas are posted to the District’s website no later than three days in advance of the meeting, 让市民有机会检讨议程上的项目.

Regular Board meetings are generally held on Wednesdays but are occasionally scheduled on other days (e.g. 由于假期或学校放假). 用于每周三举行的董事会例会, public testimony sign-ups will be accepted and testimony slots will be filled as follows:

  • Sign-ups for public testimony will begin at 8:00am the Monday before the regular meeting and will continue until the 20 (or 25) slots on the speakers list are filled. To sign up, speakers must give their full name and contact information and state the agenda item or other topic on which they wish to speak.
  • 演讲者必须为自己报名, with the exception of students signed up by a parent or guardian and individuals who may need an accommodation for the public testimony sign-up process, 包括残疾人士或需要语言翻译服务的人士.
  • 董事会会议前一天中午, public testimony slots will be filled according the following priority levels on a first-come, 每层先得先得:
    1. Individuals speaking to action items on the agenda (including items on the consent agenda)
    2. 对议程上的介绍项目发言的个人
    3. 发表一般性评论的个人
  • Sign-ups received after noon on the day before the meeting will be added to the end of the list on a first-come, 标间.
  • 尽管如此, the first speaking slot at each regular Board meeting will generally be held for a student from a district high school. 所有地区高中每年都有一个名额,由董事会办公室分配. On occasion, multiple speaking slots may be held for students from different district high schools in order to accommodate all district high schools over the course of each school year.
  • Current district students who sign up through the above process before noon on the day before the meeting, 说明自己是学生, 并且是演讲者名单上的20(或25)位演讲者之一, 将紧接在指定的学生演讲时段之后。.
  • Elected officials who would like to speak at a regular Board meeting may contact the Board Office to request to speak during the Superintendent Comments portion of the agenda.
  • 如果发言人数超过发言名额,将创建一个等待名单. 等候名单将按时间顺序排列. The public testimony list will be posted to the District’s web site by close of business the Tuesday before the meeting.

董事会例会在星期三以外的日子举行时, the above timeline for public testimony sign-ups and the filling of testimony slots may be adjusted by the 2024欧洲杯正规买球 Office accordingly. If adjusted, the revised timeline will be included on the relevant regular Board meeting agenda.


  1. Speakers should only state their full name for the record when starting their testimony—speakers need not state their contact information during the meeting.
  2. 演讲者最多有两分钟的发言时间. 发言者在被传唤作证时可以放弃他们的时间. In this instance the total amount of time allowed shall not exceed two (2) minutes for the combined number of speakers—time shall not be restarted after the new speaker begins.
  3. 以便最大限度地使其他人有机会向董事会发言, 每次会议只允许每位发言者发言一次.
  4. The majority of the speaker’s time should be spent on the topic the speaker has indicated they wish to speak about.
  5. Board Directors are not obligated to respond to questions or challenges made during the public comment period, 董事的沉默不视为同意, 分歧, 或者是对演讲者言论的认可.
  6. 董事会主席可以:
    1. Call the speaker to order or terminate the speaker’s statement once the allotted time has passed;
    2. Interrupt a speaker to require the same standard of civility that the Board expects of itself. Examples of uncivil comments that will justify interruption of a speaker’s remarks include those that:
      • 是诽谤;
      • 是对隐私的无端侵犯;
      • 淫亵或不雅的;
      • 是吵架的话吗.e., 针对个人的言语,以激起立即的敌对反应, 比如通过种族歧视;
      • 违反与骚扰有关的地区政策或程序, 恐吓, 欺凌或歧视;
      • Incite an unlawful act on District or school premises; or
      • Create a material and substantial disruption of the orderly operation of the Board meeting;
    1. 如果发言者拒绝遵守会议秩序,请他们离开会议;
    2. 要求任何不遵守合理礼仪的人离开会议;
    3. Request the assistance of District security or law enforcement in the removal of a disorderly person who has previously been asked to leave and refused the request;
    4. Call for a recess or adjournment to another time or location when the lack of public decorum so interferes with the orderly conduct of the meeting as to warrant such action.
    7. The Board as a whole has the final decision in determining the appropriateness of all such rulings and can maintain order by removing those who are disruptive. However, 董事会认识到不文明言论之间的区别, 这是不允许的, 还有负面的评论,但本质上仍然是文明的, 并将以内容中立的方式行使权力维持秩序.


公众特别关心的话题或法律规定的话题, 委员会可安排特别听证会以接受更多的公众证词. 理事会主席应指定公开陈述的时间限制. Speakers may sign up at the public hearing to present oral testimony and may be required to give their full name, address, and relationship to 2024欧洲杯竞猜 and to designate whether they are testifying for or against the agenda item, 并将有机会提交书面证词. Speakers should only state their full name for the record when starting their testimony—speakers need not state their address, 会议期间的电子邮件或电话号码.

先到者作证, 根据公开听证会报名表,先到先得. 演讲者最多有三分钟的发言时间. Persons who do not testify are encouraged to submit their written testimony to the Board Office, 怎样才能让整个董事会都能看到.